Mindful Matters

Hello all! Much has happened since my last post! We are still winning! Our win count has reached 196! We are so close to 200. Aside from the awesome prizes, we are really excited because we set the intention to have more than 200 wins before Christmas. Just yesterday we had 5 wins in a day! Beating our previous record of 4 in a day.  I posted on Our Attraction in Action at the begining of the week stating that we wanted to beat our record of 4 wins in a day and just yesterday we did! Ask and you shall recieve! Check it out below…


Marina and I have had many conversations, as you do when living together.  Sometimes we deliberately speak of something in order to manifest it. Other times we just have a chat and a laugh without any conscious intention to manifest. In this post I will give you some examples of our success with literally speaking things into existence, without the need of the other steps we have outlined before. Don’t get me wrong, the steps are extremely important tools to get you on the road to manifesting, so I highly recommend keeping them up, especially if you are at the beginning of your LOA journey. So here goes… 


One day Marina and I were discussing how we love to win for others. Dont get me wrong, winning for ourselves is great. But winning for someone we love and care for has to be one of the best feelings. Especially when we get to see the smile on their faces after. I recently won a helicopter ride for 8 people and gifted four of the passes to my parents, my sister and her boyfriend. They went and had an amazing time! I was so delighted to receive the photographs of them all smiling from ear to ear! We have often gifted tickets to different events we’ve won to friends and family too!

Anywho, Marina and I were speaking one day about winning for others and the good feelings that come with it. Soon after this discussion the next couple of wins I had were from competitions that asked us to nominate someone to win the prize for. I won a bouquet of Flowers for my Mam and a hamper from home for my uncle Brian who lives abroad! They both were extremely excited and delighted!  Check out the Screenshots above!


On another day as we watched a TV commercial. I wondered, “how do the people on it get to do the commercial?”. Like, how do the customers who were reviewing their experiences with the company end up in the ads. I asked Marina what she thought and she suggested they might be actors or something. I was just curious, it was no big deal. So we changed the conversation and went about our evening. A week later I get a private message from D.I.D electricals, a big electrical store in Ireland. They had a competition a few months back and although I didn’t win it, they said they enjoyed my comment on the competition and would like it if I could be filmed as part of their 50th Birthday advertising campaign….. I agreed and now I will be talking about my experiences with their company in an advert… 


I mean, old Faye would have said, “what are the chances? What a huge coincidence!”. But now I know that the Universe is always listening and has a funny way of answering us at times haha! I will also be paid 150 euro in vouchers for their store in return for the favor… It feels amazing when something like this manifests, I briefly questioned something, in a daze, watching Telly and next thing I’m literally getting my answer plus added bonuses! The universe works in mysterious ways… 

Note to self: Never wonder and ask out loud what it’s like to die… 

Here is another example, Marina and I were discussing with excitement, our plans to vist Japan someday and a few days later I won Japanese lessons… I mean the list goes on. We are so mindful now about what we give our attention to. What we speak about is so important.  It’s essential to focus on the good stuff. Even in the bad times, try and draw your attention to what is good in your life.

It does seem difficult at first, but it really does work. We all get our down days and its how we deal with them that makes all the difference and ensures that we don’t get caught in that downward spiral of negativity, that often ends up in attracting more negative experiences to ourselves. Mindfulness and meditation works really well for us especially when we are going through a rough time. We also love to go out and have a laugh, watch a funny movie, listen to an upbeat songs, go to a playground and swing around like big kids haha! Anything that will raise our good vibes is always helpful!  


Before I started to learn about the LOA, for a good few years, I was negative practically all of the time. Everything and anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. I would give out about everyone and everything. I would get sucked into other people’s drama. I know now that it was because I was unhappy in myself, I was deflecting. I was distracting from the fact that I felt miserable deep down. A lot of us tend to point out other people’s flaws, for fear of anyone picking up on our own. It’s ridiculous when you think about it. But its extremely common.

Everything was always everyone else’s fault. I found myself attracting people of the same nature. We would sit and bitch and moan about all kinds of everything. It was a vicious cycle and not healthy for any of us. I am so grateful that I got away from that. I soon realized my mistakes. Anyone who is truly happy in life doesn’t waste time blaming and judging others. They live their lives. I used to be in denial and excuse my behavour by playing the victim card or by thinking, “Ah it’s only a bit of harmless gossip.” Looking back, I know now how harmful it is. Focusing on the negative all of the time keeps you stuck in a rut. It attracts likeminded people who generally end up causing more problems for you. It blocks any kind of positive opportunities from manifesting. It can and will ruin your life, if you let it.


It took me a while to start changing those old bad habits. It took a lot of self analysis, self love, meditaton and mindfulness. I’ve always been a good person deep down, but I got caught up in the BS. So I learnt to keep things positive! I now appreciate people for their accomplishments and contributions. I focus on their strengths. I take responsibility for my actions. I am grateful for what I have rather than focusing on what I don’t have. I look to find the good in the bad. It makes life so much easier.

A small example of how behaving this way will help you manifest even more is, when we don’t win a competition..OMG shock horror! Yes…it happens sometimes haha… We always feel excited for the winner/winners, we congratulate them and feel joy for them. In doing so not only are we sending out some good positive vibes, we are telling the universe that, “YES! This is what we want!”

In the beginning I remember occaionally feeling low or a little jealous that I didn’t win and then I wouldnt win for ages. I would then learn to accept that there is more than enough to go around, I would feel the excitement for others winning and my wins would then flood back in! It truly is an amazing experience. I am grateful for all of the lessons that have brought me to where I am today.

We need to appreciate and support one another. To eradicate jealously and judgement. We are so much more powerful as a community when we lift one another up. Making these changes, one small step at a time, has made a huge difference to my life and Marina’s.  We feel lighter and freer now from emotions associated with negativity, such as guilt and shame. We have made some wonderful new connections and memories with people who uplift and support us. This is just the beginning for us. If we can accomplish so much in just two years, in terms of turning our lives around, imagine what life will be like for us in two more years?! We are very excited and feel so grateful to have a platform such as this and our social media accounts to share our story with the hopes to inspire others to evoke positive changes in their lives also.


I hope that you can take something away from this today that might make a difference in your life! If you would like to follow us on our winning journey, you can see lots more updates on our page Our attraction in Action Thank you for reading and Happy Manifesting!

Believing is Seeing

I used to always believe that seeing is believing. I would need proof before even agreeing with certain theories. That’s why my logical brain had some issues with the Law of Attraction in the beginning. It was hard to shift from that “Seeing is Believing” mentality to “Believing is Seeing”. But I continued on with my research and my daily application of the Law of Attraction to my routine. I distracted myself from certain thoughts. A little voice would come in occasionally to try and spread doubt in my mind. I used meditation and mindfulness to deal with that.

The funny thing is that once I gave the Law of Attraction a good try, I began to nourish and develop my belief in it. I began to reawaken that child like wonder within that believes in magic. Lets face is, the Law of Attraction once mastered does indeed feel like magic. It’s gotten to a point now where I will say to Marina, “Oh I would like to go on a holiday.” and next thing she would win flight vouchers or I would win a weekend away. The more my belief grew, the more competitions I would win, the more competitions I would win, the more my belief grew. Its an amazing feeling. But it did take a lot of work in the beginning to re-wire my brain to get to this point of believing is seeing. Affirmations are a wonderful tool to achieve this.

Even if you don’t believe the affirmation when you are saying it at first, that’s OK. I didn’t either but by way of repetition it became ingrained in my subconscious and eventually my conscious mind. I just expect to win now. It’s become like routine. One of my main affirmations from the beginning is, “I am an infinite winner in every sense of the word.” It is working because my partner and I have reached 148 wins so far which continue to rise every week. We have even started entering less competitions deliberately to test it out. We are winning the same amount and sometimes more.

Since setting up our Facebook page we have received wonderful feedback from our followers. We share our top tips and have coached people on how to apply Our Attraction in Actions winning formula to their lives. So far we’ve had several people say its worked to help them win competitions. It’s also helped others get that job they wanted. We feel so grateful to be in a position to share our story to inspire others.


If you haven’t checked out our page already, here’s the link below.


In my next post I will discuss vision boards and how they may or may not be working for you. Thanks for reading! Happy Monday.